Sunday, June 17, 2018

On Father's Day

On Father's Day . . . * Missing my father, William Thomas, a "man of principal," who in his 80s (or was that 90s?) allowed my sister and me to paint his toenails silver and then showed them off to his friends . . . * Missing my husband and father of our children, Daniel L Hawkley, a "man of integrity," whose blue eyes became my "True North" in 1963 and who graduated from the chapter of mortality in November 2004 . . . * Thankful for Mike Pecora, a "man of action," who acts as father and grandfather to his own children and grandchildren . . . and mine . . . in a never-ending menagerie of "ups and downs." . . . * Grateful to our Heavenly Father, "Creator of Universes," who Knows me best and who listens to Me, and whose Mighty Hands gently cradle me after a fall and carry me forward on the path til I can handle "my own two feet" again.


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